EESTech has engaged the services of the International Accounting firm, BDO, to both advise on international financial compliance requirements and to prepare the company reporting audits in preparation of returning to the public markets as a full reporting company.
BDO’s global network extends across 158 countries and territories, with over 67,700 people working out of more than 1,401 offices around the world. BDO’s global network is committed to delivering exceptional services to clients, including in those countries where EESTech plans to do business.
EESTech Inc has structured the development of the company’s intellectual property, its reclamation and remediation technologies and market trial activities through its Australian subsidiary EESTech Australia Pty Ltd. With commercial negotiations for the deployment of the company’s services nearing completion and with a supporting recommendation from BDO, the company has established a project holding company in New Zealand.
In 2017 a World Bank, Doing Business Report, evaluated 190 countries and for the second consecutive year has placed New Zealand at number one for ease of doing business. In addition, the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International, an index that looks at the corruption perception of over 180 countries and territories rated New Zealand as the top ranked country in the world on this measure for the past 10 years.
The relocation to New Zealand provides EESTech with an opportunity to take advantage of international trade agreements, foreign earnings and capital gains tax benefits and tax offset programs available under the New Zealand-South Africa Double Tax Treaty.
EESTech Inc. has now incorporated a New Zealand company known as “EESTech Inc Limited”, which will oversee the management of project deployments and delivery of EESTech’s reclamation and remediation equipment and services.