ThermaSand is produced from the application of EESTech’s patent pending Inductosmelt Reduction Furnace (IRF), transforming environmentally hazardous slag waste into a valuable resource.
Each year, the production of base metals results in multi-million tons of environmentally hazardous slag waste. EESTech’s IRF is capable of processing this waste into materials of value to achieve zero-waste outcomes.
EESTech’s reclamation process recovers any residual metal, metal oxides and spinel producing a yield of metal units concentrate ready for smelting in the IRF. The IRF’s unique capability enables the smelting of non-conductive slag concentrates to cost effectively produce a variety of high-quality base metals.
Post process tailings generated by EESTech’s resource recovery process have been independently validated as an inert sand product that forms the base from which a range of ThermaSand products are produced.
The use of silica sand for sandblasting has been banned in Europe due to fine silica sand dust causing silicosis; ThermaSand provides a safer and environmentally friendly alternative to silica sands.
The average price of industrial silica sand ranges from $30.82 to $44.78 per ton, with high-quality frac sand costing as much as $55 per ton.
Foundry sand prices are escalating, and shortages are being reported, ThermaSand offers highly valued advantages as a foundry sand and as a preferred replacement for natural olivine, a primary foundry sand.
The wholesale price for metallurgical foundry sand ranges between $139 to $340 per ton.
More than 90% of manufactured goods in the United States contain cast metal components, consuming over 100 million tons of foundry sand annually.
After air and water, sand is the next natural resource consumed most. Sand is being described as one the most important commodities of the 21st century. Extracting sand is estimated to be a US$70 billionglobal industry with more than 40 billion tonnes of sand and gravel extracted annually.
EESTech’s production of ThermaSand will benefit the environment by reducing the need to mine naturally occurring sands.